- Showing in
a gentle way that you love someone and care about them SYN loving
- Affectionate
- Jo is very
affectionate towards her.
- An
affectionate hug
- Affectionately
Explanation :- This symptom is not present so frequently as patients claim. This is
especially true when parents are describing the character of their
young child. Often, for instance, it is only the mother who is the
object of affection, or else the child is affectionate to both parents
but not all the time. If, however, they tell you that he is always
pestering them for a kiss or cuddle, indeed not just them, but other
people too, then one can be sure that the symptom applies. If adult
patients claim to be affectionate, one should seek confirmation of
this in what they say about their relations with members of their
family, with friends and acquaintances, and indeed in how they
relate to you, do they seem to be affectionate people? This is the
best way to understand the symptom.
Hindi Explanation :- स्नेही , दूसरों से हमदर्दी रखने वाला !