Explanation :- 
  • To make the characteristic short loud cry of a dog b : to make a noise resembling a bark. 
  • To speak in a curt loud and usually angry tone to make a loud rough noise.
  •  Crazy or extremely foolish.
  • She must have been barking mad to lend him so much more..
     Medicine is Bell. brom- Cale. Canth. cham- dros- Hyos. Iyss- nit-ac- nux-m- spong- stann- stram-

      Hinglish meaning :- kadvi aawaj me baat karne wala...

Clinging, to persons or furniture

Meanings :- Clinging (v): sticking or coming closer by embracing.
Interpretation :- sticking or coming closer to persons or furniture by embracing.
Sticking or fastening oneself to anything tightly or closely with no idea of leaving it as long as one's faith allows it.

Cautious anxious

Meanings :- anxious (v): With concern.
Interpretation :- watchful with concern and wants to be educated fully about the nature of his disease, etc. so as to be able to take preventive measures with certainty and well in advance.


Meanings :- Cautious (adj): Watchful.
Interpretation :- Watchful before anything unwanted happens. This is as a matter of prevention.
Versions :- "These days seasonal disease are quite common. I wanted to know whether it is possible to prevent them by homeopathy."

Carried, desires to be fast

Meanings: -- Fast (adj): More than the normal speed.
Interpretation :- Wants to be in a state of relief with speed without having to wait a longer.

Carried, desires to be slowly

Meanings :-
Slowly (adj): lower than the normal speed.
Interpretation :- Wants to be carried slowly to avoid jerks and jolts. Wants to be treated without a troubled or inconvenience.

Carried, desires to be.

Meanings :- carried, (n): In the state of being transported.
Interpretation :- An urge to be carried physically and be in a comfortable state. (As if not in a position
to carry one's own weight).

Cares, full of trifles about

Meanings :- Trifles (n): things of little importance.
Interpretation :-To worry even for matters of very little importance.
Versions :- "It is only the minor things that worry her more. I am surprised why it should be like that. To her all it looks necessary.

Cares, full of

Meanings:- Cares(n): Worries, concerns.
Full (adj): Filled to utmost capacity.
Interpretation:- To remain concerned all the time about one or the other thing. To be never free from worry.


Meanings:- Carefulness (n): watchfulness.
Interpretation :- being careful while doing things, lest something goes wrong. To compare the meaning of cautious with carefulness: one can be cautious (
watchful) before anything happens and careful while doing something .

Business, incapacity for

Meanings: -- Incapacity (n): lack of power in performance.
Interpretation: -- Feeling of incapability for business or lack of power of performance for business.

Business, aversion to

Meanings: -Business: To lose interest in business or business does not interest him.
Versions: --- "I do attend my work but without much interest. I simply go and come back without doing anything."


Meanings: -Praying (v): Asks earnestly for a favor of a person who is competent to grant it.
Versions: - "Dr. I request you with folded hands for favor of taking more interest in my case and getting me rid of my pains as I am in a great trouble.


Meanings :- Begging (v): Asking for, as a gift, charity or favor from any-one.
Versions :- Who-so-ever comes to me I ask for his favor of getting me poison, or cure.

Bed, desire to remain in

Interpretation :- liking to remain in bed, most of the time even when it is not the time to be in bed.
Versions: -- "If I am told to remain in bed for all the twenty-four hours. I shall be happy. I can do anything but only by laying in bed. The jobs which require standing or sitting position on
uncomfortable to me."
Medicine is :- adam- alum- alumn. ant-c. Alg-n. aur-m-n-

Bed, aversion to

Meanings:- Bed (n): A place for resting.
Interpretation:- It can be of any shape differing with personal taste from individual to individual. Disliking to remain in bed.
Versions:- ''Internally I feel that I need rest and I must lie down but actually it is not possible for me because lying in bed is not to may taste."

Anxiety, pains from the

Meanings :- Pains (n): Result of strain received by nerves.
Interpretation :- Feeling of comfortableness about the impact of pains lest they be damaging or remain permanent.

Anxiety, others for

Meanings :- Other (adj): Different from self.
Interpretation :- Feeling concerned about others mostly ignoring self.
Versions :- " I am never bothered much about my own difficulties. I just can't see others in trouble. Although I may not be able to help them."

Business, talks of

Meanings :- Talks: exchanges information through speech.
Interpretation :- Exchanges information etc. about business through speech with others. It shows business being the main concern in one's mind.

Versions: -- "My people have wrong impression about me. Actually nothing worries me I simply try to know and exchange information, with others about my work. As to the progress made in the projects
left by me unfinished etc.
Medicine is :- ars. bell. BRY. canth- cimic. dor. Hyos. mygal. op. phos. plb. strarn- su|ph_

Anxiety, business about

Meanings: -Business (n): occupation or profession.
Interpretation: -- discomfort about something unknown in connection with business.

Versions :- "Nothing else is worrying me except that if I do not get relief speedily then who knows what will happen to my job. 
There are chances of loosing it also."
Medicine is :-  acet-ac- anac- arn. bar-c- bry- calc. carc- caust. chel- dros- kali-m- kali-n- kali-p. lac-h. lac-lup- mang- nat-c- nat-m- NUX-V. op- ph-ac- podo- Psor. puls- rhus-t. sep- spig- stann-
sulph- thuj_

Anticipation, complaints from

Meanings :- Anticipation (n): Trying to foresee or realize before hand.
Interpretation :- Troubles arising when trying to foresee problems. Becoming tense when thinking, if such and such problems comes how to solve it.

Answers, repeats the question first

Meanings: -- answers (n): Replies.
Repeat (v): utter again.
Interpretation: -Before answering repeats the question himself for getting confirmation from the questioner or in his own mind to memorize as to what has actually been heard by him.

Anger, touched when

Meanings :- touched (adj): Coming into contact with the fingers or hands or any part of someone's body.
Interpretation: -- Sometimes touch is pleasant and sometimes unpleasant, may convey friendly feelings or evil designs and invite reaction accordingly.
This is about physical touch. There is another more important in this context where words and thoughts touch the mind and provoke strong displeasure and a desire for retaliation.
Versions: -- "Because of my ailments, ideas come to mind that if I die what will happen to my children. There is none to look after them. They are so small and innocent that they will require love and affection of someone. These sentiments move my mind violently to argue that I have never thought of doing any wrong to others then why all this suffering for me and my children."
Medicine is :- Ant-c. CHAM. cina. falco-pe. iod. lac-e. lach. sanic. TARENT.

Anger, absent persons at

Meanings :- Anger (n): A strong emotion excited by an injury involving a desire for retaliation.
Absent (adj): One who is not present.
Persons (n): Human beings.

Avarice + Kanjus

  Explanation :-  Excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
  • ·  Her business empire brought her wealth beyond the dreams of avarice 
    ·  (= an extremely large amount of money  
  • Anger, interruptions from

    Meanings :- Interruptions (n): Cessation of activity many times in between before its completion.
    Interpretation: - Strong displeasure felt at the breaks experienced to in smooth functioning of anything.


    Explanation :- There is constant thought in my mind, why it's happened with me? What would be the reason behind it? ls it curable or not? What I have to do else to cure it?..


    Wrong (Adj) -Not correct or accurate.
    - Holding an incorrect opinion about a person, thing or matter..
    - Not in- accordance with law, morality, or with people's sense of what is acceptable behavior.
    -An injurious, unfair, or unjust act.

    DELUSIONS ( Vaham ya Galat Manyata)

    Delusion :- A persistent false belief in the face of strong contradictory evidence. It is true for the patient but in reality it is not true.


    Meaning :- A condition of greatly dulled or completely sus-pended sense or sensibility.
     An acute lack of mental alertness. 
    A state of near unconsciousness. 


    Meanings -Impulse (n): Impelled to do anything without pre-meditation or consideration whether it is worth doing it that moment.
    Impulsive (adj): One who acts under the influence of an impulse which rises like a tidal wave in the ocean and carries him away.

    AVERSION =Na pasand

    Explanation :- The act of turning awayA feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to avoid or turn from it , a settled dislike : a Tendency to extinguish a behavior or to avoid a thing or situation and esp.  pleasurable one because it is or has been associated with a noxious stimulus. A feeling of strong dislike or a lack of willingness to do something:

    AVARICE =Kanjus

        Explanation :--

  • Excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
  • Her business empire brought her wealth beyond the dreams of avarice 
  • (= an extremely large amount of money 

       Explanation :- 
    • Disposed to or characterized by bold or confident assertion
    • Aggressive
    • Describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe:
    • If you really want the promotion, you’ll have to be more assertive


    Explanation :- 

  • To strike with sudden fear
  • To strike with sudden and usu. great wonder or surprise
  • Very great surprise:
  • To the astonishment of her colleagues, she resigned 

    Explanation :- 

  • Feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace, feeling inferior or unworthy
  • Feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done or a quality in your character:

       Explanation :- 

  • Exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.                     Proceeding from or characterized by arrogance ‹an ~ reply› proud
  • Unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people:

    Explanation :- 
    Opposition of a conflicting force, tendency, or principle Dictatorship, actively expressed opposition or hostility Extreme unfriendliness or active opposition:


    Explanation :- 
    A feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future:
    As with most pleasures, it’s not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable.

    ANTICS; playing

    Explanation :- Amusing, silly or strange behaviors:But the rock-star whose stage antics used to include smashing guitars is older and wiser now.
    The crowds were once again entertained by the number one tennis player’s antics on and off the court An attention-drawing often wildly playful or funny act or action


     Explanation :- Averse to the society of others:unsociable
    Hostile or harmful to organized society;esp.
    : being or marked by behavior deviating sharply from the social norm.


    Explanation :- 
    • Characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity 
    •  Showing strong feelings:
    • Burning, fiery; parching; glowing like fire, gleaming
    • An ardent supporter of Manchester United .

    YIELDING despoliation

    Explanation :- 
    • Describes a person who can change the way they normally behave or deal with situations when it is helpful or necessary 
    • Characterized by or displaying submission; yielding to power or authority 


    Explanation :-  To walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction: (without any definite destination) 
    • We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city


    Explanation :- The quality of Having an excessively high opinion of one’s own appearance, abilities, worth, etc.; delighting in or desirous of attracting the admiration of others; conceited, proud self-conceit and desire for admiration.



    Explanation :- The psychological and biological organization peculiar to the individual, including one’s character or personality predispositions, which influence the manner of thought and action, and general views of life 
    • The part of your character that affects your moods and the way you behave .


    Explanation :- The use of remarks which clearly mean the opposite of what they say, and which are made in order to hurt someone’s feelings or to criticize something in an amusing way:


    Explanation :- Careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result.
    That was a rash decision – you didn’t think about the costs involved.( rashness concerns an action , whereas impetuous a decision )


    Explanation :-  Unreasonably determined, especially to act in a particular way and not to change at all, despite argument or persuasion:
     • Firmly adhering to one’s chosen course of action or opinion despite persuasion or argument; stubborn, self-willed 
    • He can be very obstinate at times.

    Medicine is :-  abrot- Acon. act-sp- Agar. alco. aloe ALUM. alum-p- alum-sil. alumn. am-c- am-m. ambr. ANAC. androc- Ant-c. ant-t- apis ARG-N. arizon~|. am. Ars. ars-s-f- arum-t. aur. aur-ar- aur-m-n- aur-s- bamb-a- bar-act- bar-c- BELL. bora-o. Bry. bufo CALC. calc-ar- calc-p- Calc-s. camph- canth. Caps. carb-an- carb—v- carbn-s. carc. Caust. CHAM. chel. Chin. chinin-s. choc- Cine  cinch- coca coloc- croc- Cmt-h. cupr- cycl- dendr-pol- dig- dros- Dulc. emb-r. ferr- ferr-ar- ferr-p. galv- guaj- hell. Hep. hura hydrog. Hyos. Ign. ignis-alc. ip- kali-ar- kali-bi- Kali-c. kali-chl. kali-i- kali-m. Kali-p. kali-s- kali-sil- kalm- kreos. lac-e. lac-f. lach. Lyc. Mag-m. Med. menis- merc. morph- mosch- mur-ac- nat-c-, nat-m- nat-sil- nicc-met. Nit-ac. NUX-V. Pall. petr. Ph-ac. phel. phos. plat- plb- positr- Prof. Psor. puls- rhus-t- ruta sanic- sec. sep. Sil. Spong. Staph. stram- Sulph. Symph. syph- TARENT. Thu]. Tub. verat. viol-o. viol-t- zinc. zinc-p-


    Explanation :-  A strong enthusiasm for a (specified) thing; an aim or object pursued with strong enthusiasm 
    • A passionate speech 
    • A passionate kiss/embrace



    Explanation :- Having or showing a desire to harm someone because you think that they have harmed you; unwilling to forgive:
     • In the film ‘Cape Fear’, a lawyer’s family is threatened by a vindictive former prison .

    • Having desire to injure another person; active ill will or hatred. In later use also, the desire to tease 
    • Intended to harm or upset other people: 
    • Malicious gossip 
    • A malicious look in his eye..
    Medicine is :-  abrot. Acon. adam. agar- alco- aloe am-c- am-m- ambr- ANAC. androc- am. ARS. ars~s-f. Aur. aur-ar. aur-m—n. aur-s- bar-c- Bell. berb- bora-o- Borx. bry. bufo Calc. calc-s- cann-s- canth- caps- carb-an- carc- carneg—g- caust- Cham. chin- choc. cic- cina clem- coca cocc- coloc- com. con- croc- crot-c- Cupr. cycl- cyna- dendr-pol- falco-pe. fl-ac. glon- granit-m- guaj- haem- Hep. hydr. Hyos. ign- ip- irid-met- kali-c. kali-i- Lac-c. lac-cp- lac-h- lac-Ieo- Lech. Led. Ievo- Lil-t. limest-b- Lyc. mang- marb-w- med- merc- moni- mosch- Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-ox- neon nicc- nicc-met- Nit-ac. NUX-V. oci-sa- op- par- ped- petr- Ph-ac. phos- plat. plut-n- polys- pseuts-m- puts? ran-b- rhus-t- sacch- sarr. sec- sep- sol-mm- spong- squil- stann- Staph. STRAM. stront-c. sulph- syph- tarent- thuj- TUB. tus-fr. verat. zinc- ZIFIC-p-


    • Expression of sorrow or anguish
     • Express or (now) feel profound sorrow for or concerning; mourn the loss of 
    • Sadness and regret, or something that expresses these feelings: 
    • For all the lamentations that schools do not teach the game, it is still played in some areas


    A disorder of impulse control characterized by a morbid tendency to steal.
    Medicine is :-  absin. ars. Art-v. BELL. bry- calc. carb-v- carc. caust. cic- Cur. gal-ac- hyos. kali-br. kali-c- lach. lyc- mand- nat-m- Nux-V. op- oxyt. plat- PULS. sep. sil. staph- stram. Sulph. syph.
    tarent- thuj. 


    Unhappy and angry because someone has something or someone you want, or because you think they might take something or someone that you love away from you:
     • He had always been very jealous of his brother’s good looks. 
    • Anna says she feels jealous every time another woman looks at her boyfriend 
    • A feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something or someone that you want: 
    • He broke his brother’s new bike in a fit of jealous
    Great care must be taken in assessing this feeling, for it is very
    common, which detracts from its value as a symptom. Children and
    young couples frequently show signs of jealousy in one way or
    another, and in such cases it must exist to an unusual degree
    before one can consider it to be true symptom. One or more of the
    following characteristics should always be present: -The jealousy
    is groundless. If a motive exists then it is not a symptom. -The
    feeling is intense and obsessive. -The jealousy causes feelings of
    suffering. -The patient is reproachful, and this leads to rows with
    the partner. Although there is always an element of envy in the
    jealous person, one should distinguish between the two feelings. A
    practical example will illustrate this point. A young woman whom I
    treated with Sepia told me at her first consultation that as a child
    she used to feel jealous of her brother. When I asked her why this
    was so, she replied: ‘He was the boy and so they let him do things
    like come home late, or use bad language, whereas laws the ‘baby
    and had to play with my dolls’. In this case the main feeling was
    clearly one of envy, and not jealousy.

    Medicine is :-  Am-ns. anac. anan. Apis ars. Aur-m-n. bamb-a- bufo calc-p. Calc-s. camph. Cench. cham- Cooain. cocc- coff. coloc. crot-c- cystein-I- gal-ac. gels. haliae-lc. ham- HYOS. ign- ilx-a- ip- kali-act. kali-at. kali-c. kali-s- Kola lac-leo- LACH. lil-t. lyc- Med. merc. morg-g. murx- nat-m. nat-sil. Nux-m. NUX-V. op- orig- ph-ac. pin-con- plat- positr. Puls. raph- sabad- sacch. sal-fr- sep- Staph. Stram. sulph- thuj. verat.


    • The state or condition of being an idiot; extremely low intelligence (now obs. in Med. use); stupidity, foolishness 
    • Obsolete term for the views or behavior of an individual associated with a subclass of mental retardation
    Medicine is :-  absin- Aeth. agar. alum- anac- anan. ant-c. antip. apis ars- bac- Bar-c. Bar-m. bell. bell-p. bufo Calc-p. caps- carbn-o- Carbn-s. carc- cent. cham- chlol- cic. Hell. helo- helo-s. hyos- kali-br. lach. lyc. merc. mez- mosch- nux-m- olnd- op. ph-ac- Phos. plb- sanic- sarr- sars. sec. stram- sulph. tab. thuj. thyr. Tub. verat.


    • Causing a disagreeable or painful sensory reaction 
    • Of an action, a person, etc.: severe, rigorous, cruel, and unfeeling • Unpleasant, unkind, cruel or unnecessarily severe: 
    • Harsh criticism 
    • The children had had a harsh upbringing. 
    • We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence. 
    • “There is no alternative, ” she said in a harsh voice. 
    • He said some harsh words (= spoke unkindly) about his brother
    Medicine is :-  anac. ars‘ bac. CAU ST. cymbop-ci. GRAPH. hep. KALI-I. kola lach. lyc. lys.M-AUST. med. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. oxyg. pitu-a. puls. ratt-norv_ SEP. STAPH. sulph. tarent.


    • Laugh in an affected, silly, or nervous manner; titter; give small bursts of half-suppressed laughter 
    • To laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled and childish way, often at something silly or rude or when you are nervous: 
    • Stop that giggling at the back..
    Medicine is :-  adam. androc. bamb-a. bufo calc-s. cann-i. choc. cypra-eg. falco-pe. germ-met. hyosin. kali-f- lat-h. nat-m. neon stry-xyz.


    • Marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion 
    • Of a person, action, etc.: characterized by or filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm, esp. in religion..
    Medicine is :-  aur-at. bell, carc. caust. con. cupr_ limest-b. pu|s_ rob. scor. sel. sulph. THUJ. valet.


    • Describes a man who behaves or looks similar to a woman:
     • He’s got a very effeminate manner/voice..
    Medicine is :- calc. fl-ac. lyc. PLAT. PULS. sil


    Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; immorality, licentiousness. 
    • Weakened or destroyed by bad sexual behaviour, drinking too much alcohol, taking drugs, etc: 
    • His debauched lifestyle


    • Inconstant, an irrational or unpredictable idea or desire. Stresses lack of apparent motivation and suggests willfulness ‹by sheer caprice she quit her job 
    • A sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action, a sudden usu. unpredictable condition, change, or series of changes
    Medicine is :-  acon- act~sp- agar- ALOE alum- alumin~si|- am-c- ant-c- ant-t- aq-pur- arn- ARS. ars-s-f. asaf. aur. aur-m- bamb-a- bar-c. bar-s. BELL. bov- bran- brom- BRY. calc. calc-f. calc-s-
    calc—si|. cann-i- cann-s- canth- caps. carb-an. carbn-s- carc- castm- CAUST. cench. CHAM. chap- chin. chinin-ar- cimic- CINA coca COCC. COFF. coloc- croc- CYPR. dig- dros- DULC. ferr- ferr-act- fl-ac- goss- grat. haliae-lc- harp- hep- IGN. IOD. IP. ka|i~ar- KALI-C. ka|i~si|- kola kreos- Iach- led. |i|~t- Iyc-
    m-arct. m-aust- mag—c- mag-m- MAG-P. marb-w- merc. MERC-F. moni- nat-c- nat-n- nit-ac- nux-m- nux-v. op- ozone par. PH-AC. PHOS. PLAT. plb- PULS. ran-b- raph- RHEUM rhod- sacch-a- sanic- sarr. sars- sec- SEP. sil- sphing- spong. STAPH. strarn- SUL-AC. SULPH. syph- THUJ. thyr- tub- vac. valer- verat- VERAT-V. viol-t- zinc- zinc-phic.


    This is capacity to grasp and understand the situation and other person properly.
    intellectual level of such person or child is higher than normal..
    Medicine is :- COFF. form. ham. irid-met. lac-f. OP.
    Hinglish Meaning :- Umar ke hisab se jyada samazdar.


    Extreme pain, distress, or anxiety sorrow Showing or feeling extreme physical or mental pain:
    We heard an anguished cry. 
    She gave him an anguished look 


    Who belief that there should be little or no formal or official organization to society but that people should work freely together Someone who wishes to destroy the existing government and laws:Anarchist tendencies/demonstrations
    Hinglish meaning :- Jo kanun ya niyam ke virudh kaam karta ho.. usko ham Anarchist kahte hai...
    Medicine is :- Arg-n. Caust. kali-c. Merc. sep

    Amusement desire..

    The act in which we get involved and forget everything. ..
    like daily routine, surrounding get enjoyment in that particular act.
    Medicine is :-  agam-g. cann-i. coca coca-c. Crot-c. lac-del. lac-up. Lach. pieri-b. pipm. polys. stront-c. sumb. Tub. tung-met.

    Hinglish Meaning :- Kho jana...itna ki kuch yad na rahe... Na ipr, na problem, yahatak ki kuch pal ke liye khudko bhi bhulana..


    Answering means giving reply..
    We can observe the way how he reply,his alertness and the pattern how he speaks...
    These observation represents his nature..
     Hinglish Explanation :-  Uska bat karneka samazaneka aur khudko represent karneka tarika.., 


    • A strong desire for success, achievement, power or wealth:
    • She’s got a lot of ambition.
    • His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.
    • He has already achieved his main ambition in life – to become wealthy.
    • Political ambitions
    • She doubts whether she’ll ever be able to fulfill her ambition.
    • I’ve always had a burning (= very great) ambition to be a film director.
    • After his heart attack, he abandoned his ambition to become Prime Minister
      Hindi Explanation :- Apney jivan me kuch to bhi kar ke dikhane ki mahatvakanksha 


    • Showing in a gentle way that you love someone and care about them SYN loving
    • Affectionate towards
    • Jo is very affectionate towards her.
    • An affectionate hug
    • Affectionately adverb 
         Explanation :- This symptom is not present so frequently as patients claim. This is
    especially true when parents are describing the character of their
    young child. Often, for instance, it is only the mother who is the
    object of affection, or else the child is affectionate to both parents
    but not all the time. If, however, they tell you that he is always
    pestering them for a kiss or cuddle, indeed not just them, but other
    people too, then one can be sure that the symptom applies. If adult
    patients claim to be affectionate, one should seek confirmation of
    this in what they say about their relations with members of their
    family, with friends and acquaintances, and indeed in how they
    relate to you, do they seem to be affectionate people? This is the
    best way to understand the symptom.
      Hindi Explanation :-   स्नेही , दूसरों से हमदर्दी रखने वाला ! 


    • Friendly and easy to talk to:
    • He struck me as an affable sort of a man.
    • She was quite affable at the meeting 
     Medicine is :- apis. hypoth. podo
     Hindi Explanation :-   सुशीलता, मिलनसार व्यक्ती !


    • A married man who has sex with a woman who is not his wife, or a man who has sex with another man’s wife:
    • Her husband was a compulsive adulterer 
     Medicine is :- calc- canth- caust- ign- lach- Lyc. med- phos- plat- puls- staph. verat.
     Hindi Explanation :- परस्त्रीगमन या परपुरुष के संग व्यभिचार करना या व्याभिचारी व्यक्ती !


    • An abusive letter/telephone call
    • He was apparently abusive to the flight attendants because they refused to serve him alcohol ..
    Abusive: One should consider this symptom in conjunction with the heading "Cursing" in order to distinguish between the two. Both concern verbal attacks on people or things. 
    The abusive person uses rude and insulting words in order to offend others, whereas cursing is the vivid expression of surprise or annoyance. In assessing these symptoms, one must bear in mind the patient’s education & background. Here we must know how to differentiate this rubric from "Contemptuous". The contemptuous person not only belittles other people, but also feels superior to them. In his scorn there is indifference, rejection & sometimes even loathing. The symptom is most easily recognizable in racists who despise any racial group to whom they feel superior. We can differentiate it with "Rudeness & Insolent" as well. The rude person is impolite and coarse in word and deed. Like the insolent person he has absolutely no consideration for anyone else, but the rude person adds a dash of crudeness & bad taste whereas insolence is a lack of respect. It may be detected in patients during consultation, although few will admit to it. Look for an attitude of excessive casualness and confidence, the impertinence implicit in all the movements. This person is ill-mannered and completely lacking in modesty.
    Medicine is :-  abies-n. Aoon. agath-a- alco- am-c- arn-m- Anac. androc- arizon-I- am- ars- atro- Aur.
    aur-m-n. aur-s- Bell. borx- bufo camph. canth- caust. cere~s- CHAII. chin- cic. Con. cor-r- croc- Cm!-c.
    cub. cupr-act- cur- dendr-pol- der- dulc- elae- Ferr. gal-ac. granit-m- hep- hist. Hyos. ign- ip- Kali-i. Lac-c. lac-d. lac-leo. Iach- lil-t- LYC. Lyss. m-aust- mag-c- merc- mosch- nat-c- Nit-ac. NUX-V. oena- oxal-a-
    pall- Petr. plat- plb. raja-s- ran-b- rhus-g- sarr. Seneg. Sep. sil- spong- staph- STRAII. stront-c- sulph- syph- Talent. toxi- Tub. Verat. viol-t.

     Hindi Explanation :- सा अनुकरण जिससे दूसरों का अपमान होता है !


    • If someone’s work, or a book, film, etc. absorbs them, or they are absorbed in it, their attention is given completely to it:
    • Simon was so absorbed in his book, he didn’t even notice me come in 
     Hindi Explanation :-  वह अपने काम में इतना खोया रहता की उसे उसके आस पास क्या चल रहा इसका भी उसे ज्ञान नहीं होता !


    He behaves in an absent-minded manner due to his Child's illness

    Describes someone who tends to forget things or does not pay attention to what   is happening near them because they are thinking about other things.
    Meanings:- absent-minded(adj): absent-minded is the person whose mind is not present where it
    should be.
    Interpretation: - Generally one is bound to remark about such a person ' where are you' or ' where
    were you'.
    Versions: - a patient tells, " please repeat what you asked? I am sorry, my mind was away (was not

    present) while listening to you."
      Hindi Explanation :- जिसका मन ध्यान वहाँ नहीं है जहाँ होना चाहिए । शरीर उपस्थित पर मन अनुपस्थित.अपने ही विचारों में खोया रहता है !


    • Describes something that is sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant:
    • An abrupt change/movement
    • Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.
    • The road ended in an abrupt (= sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea 
         Versions :- The attendants of a patient say, "we can not predict anything about him. He takes no
    displeasure all of a sudden. What causes him to do so is impossible to detect before hand. We are
    caught unawares and are unable to make anything about his behavior as to why & and when he changes
    His attitude towards the members of his family. We simply keep on thinking over the matter as to how
    to avoid something that provokes him but he has never allowed us to form any accurate judgment about
    his likes and dislikes".

    Medicine is :- CALC. Carb-v. cham_ dendr-pol. haliae-Ic. hep. lac-leo. lye. med. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. op. plat. polys. PULS. rauw- sal-fr. ratt-norv-s. sil. sulph. Tarent.

        Hindi Explanation :-   कब क्या करेगा इसका भरोसा नहीं होता ! बिना पूर्व सुचनाके वह क्या करेगा बोल नहीं सकते !