Explanation :- Having or showing a desire to harm someone because you think that they have harmed you; unwilling to forgive:
 • In the film ‘Cape Fear’, a lawyer’s family is threatened by a vindictive former prison .

• Having desire to injure another person; active ill will or hatred. In later use also, the desire to tease 
• Intended to harm or upset other people: 
• Malicious gossip 
• A malicious look in his eye..
Medicine is :-  abrot. Acon. adam. agar- alco- aloe am-c- am-m- ambr- ANAC. androc- am. ARS. ars~s-f. Aur. aur-ar. aur-m—n. aur-s- bar-c- Bell. berb- bora-o- Borx. bry. bufo Calc. calc-s- cann-s- canth- caps- carb-an- carc- carneg—g- caust- Cham. chin- choc. cic- cina clem- coca cocc- coloc- com. con- croc- crot-c- Cupr. cycl- cyna- dendr-pol- falco-pe. fl-ac. glon- granit-m- guaj- haem- Hep. hydr. Hyos. ign- ip- irid-met- kali-c. kali-i- Lac-c. lac-cp- lac-h- lac-Ieo- Lech. Led. Ievo- Lil-t. limest-b- Lyc. mang- marb-w- med- merc- moni- mosch- Nat-c. Nat-m. nat-ox- neon nicc- nicc-met- Nit-ac. NUX-V. oci-sa- op- par- ped- petr- Ph-ac. phos- plat. plut-n- polys- pseuts-m- puts? ran-b- rhus-t- sacch- sarr. sec- sep- sol-mm- spong- squil- stann- Staph. STRAM. stront-c. sulph- syph- tarent- thuj- TUB. tus-fr. verat. zinc- ZIFIC-p-