Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing

Explanation :- This is a rubric for having many plans and projects and never finishing any of them. His wife complained about this but his greater pattern of not staying with his goals/project includes his work as well...

Homoeopathy medicine is :-  absin ACON(3) alum alum-s androc ant-c ant-m apis bism bor calc-i canth chin cortico erb-c graph GRAT(3) haliae-lc harp heli hell ign kola kreos LAC-C(3) lac-eq LACH(3) lant-c lant-o lat-h LIL-T(4) lyc med mobil-ph NUX-M(3) pass-d petr phos pin-s plan posit sanic stann sulph uran verat

patients version  in hindi :-