Anxiety, others for

Meanings :- Other (adj): Different from self.
Interpretation :- Feeling concerned about others mostly ignoring self.
Versions :- " I am never bothered much about my own difficulties. I just can't see others in trouble. Although I may not be able to help them."

Medicine is :- abies-c- Acon. ambr- anan- androc- arg~n- Ars. Aur-m-n. Au!-s. Bar-c. calc- calc-f. calc-p- ca|c~s- carb-v- carc- caust- chel- chinin-s- cocc- cupr- Dulc. falco-pe- Ferr. fl-ac. germ-met. graph- hep- irid-met- Mano. merc- naja nat-c- Nux-v. perh. ph-ac- PHOS. sep- Staph. Sulph.