• Inconstant, an irrational or unpredictable idea or desire. Stresses lack of apparent motivation and suggests willfulness ‹by sheer caprice she quit her job 
• A sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action, a sudden usu. unpredictable condition, change, or series of changes
Medicine is :-  acon- act~sp- agar- ALOE alum- alumin~si|- am-c- ant-c- ant-t- aq-pur- arn- ARS. ars-s-f. asaf. aur. aur-m- bamb-a- bar-c. bar-s. BELL. bov- bran- brom- BRY. calc. calc-f. calc-s-
calc—si|. cann-i- cann-s- canth- caps. carb-an. carbn-s- carc- castm- CAUST. cench. CHAM. chap- chin. chinin-ar- cimic- CINA coca COCC. COFF. coloc- croc- CYPR. dig- dros- DULC. ferr- ferr-act- fl-ac- goss- grat. haliae-lc- harp- hep- IGN. IOD. IP. ka|i~ar- KALI-C. ka|i~si|- kola kreos- Iach- led. |i|~t- Iyc-
m-arct. m-aust- mag—c- mag-m- MAG-P. marb-w- merc. MERC-F. moni- nat-c- nat-n- nit-ac- nux-m- nux-v. op- ozone par. PH-AC. PHOS. PLAT. plb- PULS. ran-b- raph- RHEUM rhod- sacch-a- sanic- sarr. sars- sec- SEP. sil- sphing- spong. STAPH. strarn- SUL-AC. SULPH. syph- THUJ. thyr- tub- vac. valer- verat- VERAT-V. viol-t- zinc- zinc-phic.