Explanation :-
A feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future:
A feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future:
As with most pleasures, it’s not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable.
The postponement of the film’s sequel has held cinema-goers in eager anticipation for several months.
A prior action that takes into account or forestalls a later action
b : the act of looking forward ; esp.: pleasurable expectation
Medicine is :- acon. aesc. aeth- agam—g- agn- alum- am-c- ambr. anac. ARG-N. ars- Bar-c. bry.CALC. camph- canth- Carb-v. CARC. caust- chin- chlorpr. Cic. Coco. coff. crot-h. cupr. dig- fl-ac. GELS.GRAPH. hell- hyos. ign- ina-i- kali-c- Kali-p. Lac-c. lach- levo- LYC. lyss. med- merc- mez- mosch- Nat-c.nat-m-
nux-v- ox-ac- petr. Ph-ac. phos- PLB. PSOR. PULS. rhus-t- sec- sep- SIL. spig- staph- still. stram- thuj- verat-
Medicine is :- acon. aesc. aeth- agam—g- agn- alum- am-c- ambr. anac. ARG-N. ars- Bar-c. bry.CALC. camph- canth- Carb-v. CARC. caust- chin- chlorpr. Cic. Coco. coff. crot-h. cupr. dig- fl-ac. GELS.GRAPH. hell- hyos. ign- ina-i- kali-c- Kali-p. Lac-c. lach- levo- LYC. lyss. med- merc- mez- mosch- Nat-c.nat-m-
nux-v- ox-ac- petr. Ph-ac. phos- PLB. PSOR. PULS. rhus-t- sec- sep- SIL. spig- staph- still. stram- thuj- verat-