Explanation :- 
  • Disposed to or characterized by bold or confident assertion
  • Aggressive
  • Describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe:
  • If you really want the promotion, you’ll have to be more assertive
  • Dr Vijaykar-People who suddenly come in admist of a crowd and talks foolish .EFFRONTERY ,show off , comes across proudly. 
    Medicine is :-  acon. agar- agath-a- alum- ant-t- arizon-I. Am. bamtra. bell- bov. calad. carc- cocain- falco-pe. galla-q-r. guaj- hep- IGN. ignis-alc. lach- m-arct. merc. mez. nat-c. nitro-o. nux-v. op. plat. pot-e- Puls. ribo- sil- squil- staph. sulph. tarax. Tub. Tung-met. ulm-c. verat-