Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing

Explanation :- This is a rubric for having many plans and projects and never finishing any of them. His wife complained about this but his greater pattern of not staying with his goals/project includes his work as well...

Homoeopathy medicine is :-  absin ACON(3) alum alum-s androc ant-c ant-m apis bism bor calc-i canth chin cortico erb-c graph GRAT(3) haliae-lc harp heli hell ign kola kreos LAC-C(3) lac-eq LACH(3) lant-c lant-o lat-h LIL-T(4) lyc med mobil-ph NUX-M(3) pass-d petr phos pin-s plan posit sanic stann sulph uran verat

patients version  in hindi :-

Defiant and disobedience

Explanation :-Difference between defiant and disobedience also stressed upon defiant is when you say you are not going to do what you are told , uncooperative non compliant , restricted obstinate and disobedience is failure or refusal to obey rules , or someone in authority and  and disobedience is when you don't do what you are told .

INDUSTRIOUS mania for work.

Explanation :- Industrious, a devotion to hard work, is often of course an entirely normal  characteristic. This is confirmed by the Materia Medica, where remedies such as China, Digitalis and Ledum show great activity and industriousness in their curative symptoms? The value of the symptom naturally increases the more marked it is; some people have a real mania for work.


Explanation :-  The chaotic person is completely without a sense of order. Everything is in a muddle. Try as he might, he cannot sort himself out, he doesn't know where anything is, or what he is supposed to be doing.


Explanation :- is the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home. Its cognitive hallmark is preoccupying thoughts of home and attachment objects.

Mood -Agreeable

 Mood :- The way of feeling at a particular time. 
 Agreeable :- (1) Pleasant or easy to like.  
Explanation :- A particular mental state or feeling of a patient at particular time is very pleasant,-_ nice in way and easily accepted by somebody; " ‘His / her state "of mind is acceptable, suitable, satisfactory to somebody without any conflict.


Introspection :-  Self analysis, the act of directly observing the processes of one’s own mind.
Explanation :-  Studying systematically the working of one’s own mind-the negative and positive points of ones character-in order to choose the right path by making amends.


Perseverance :-  A going on, till success is met. Continued application to anything which one has begun.
Meaning :- Not to lose confidence till the end of the purpose.


Communicative :- Inclined to give information unreserved.
Explanation :- Does not conceal any type of information.
Version :-  “Are you secretive?” will you like to talk about your health to any one? Of course,

Ailments from.?

Explanation :- The things or thoughts those worse the disease condition , cause  the pain.
Hinglish meanings -Vo bat jo taklif deti hai... Ya jis vajah se usko taqleef hoti hai usko ham Ailments from kahenge...