Introspection :-  Self analysis, the act of directly observing the processes of one’s own mind.
Explanation :-  Studying systematically the working of one’s own mind-the negative and positive points of ones character-in order to choose the right path by making amends.

Version :- Many times I think about myself and find many faults-that I am a lazy person and do not care much about my health. That I am irregular in eating and all other activities about self. I think I should be careful about my health.
Medicine is :-  Acon. aids- allox- alum- am-m- ambr. Anh. arg-met- arist-cl- arn- Aur. Aur-m-n. bamb-a- bell. bism- bov- cann-i- canth- caps- carb~an. carc- carl. caust. cham. Chin. choc- cic-clem- COCC. con- cupr. cycl- dig- dream-p- dros- euph- euphr- falco-pe- germ-met- gink~b. glycyr-g- Granit-m. haliae-lc- hell- hyos- IGN. lndg. Ip. irid-met. kali-c- ketogl-ac- lac-del- lac-h- lach- lil-t- luna Iyc- mag-rn- med- meny. Mew. mez- morg. morg-p- mur-ac- nat-c- nat-m- nat-s- neon nux-v- ol-an- Olib-sac. olnd- op- phel. plb- plut-n- positr. psor- PULS. rheum sabad- sal-fr- sars. Sep. stann- staph- stram- suis-em- Sulph. thuj. ulm-c. verat. viol-o. viol-t-

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