
Dictionary Meaning-

tending to do or willing to do what other people want

: bending or stretching easily : not rigid or stiff

Dictionary meaning-

usual attitude or mood of a person or animal
: a tendency to act or think in a particular way
: a tendency to develop a disease, condition, etc.

Clinical perception / applications-

These are the those personalities , whose basic trait is,  to be flexible , not firm, changes decision under pressure of emotion , not remain stable and firm to their decision , 
Anyone can please these people after breaking a certain threshold of firmness 
So many times they                      
will  firm about their decision in initial part , but changes latter

Type of rubric - 
Subjective - observatory

Basic trait of personalities

Remedies - 

Carbo veg, lac- can , pulsatilla, thuja, zincum. Aur, carcinocin, coriaria ruscifolia, crocus, lac- defl, lycopodium, magnetis  polus arcticus, silicea.

                        Dr.ASHOK ANPAT M.D.

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